Housing support for Ukrainians

The war in Ukraine affects and moves us all. We at Wunderflats want to support our Ukrainian neighbors. Many of them are currently fleeing their home country – mainly women and children. Those who arrive in Germany need housing urgently. Landlords can list available housing on our platform so we can offer these spaces to displaced Ukrainians.


Offer housing to Ukrainians

It takes just a few clicks to create a listing and offer your housing directly on our platform. Every apartment, house or spare room you are willing to offer to people from Ukraine makes a big difference. Learn more about how to offer your home on our blog.

People From ukraine

Find a temporary home in Germany

We know many of you are forced to leave your home in Ukraine and our hearts go out to you. We want to help you find temporary housing in Germany. We’ve reached out to many home providers who are willing to help – we have thousands of beds available. On our new platform, you can see available homes and request them directly. Learn more about finding a home in Germany on our blog.

How do housing offers and people from Ukraine come together?

After housing providers have created a listing on our dedicated platform, people displaced by the war in Ukraine can book these housing offers directly online. This means faster help for those who need it. The booking process consists of four simple steps:

The person in need sends a booking request

People in need of housing can browse the available listings per city. Once they've found a suitable listing, they can send a booking request via our platform. For this request, they will need to provide basic information such as their name and the names of all people moving in with them. We recommend sending several requests to increase the chances of a successful match.

To help people displaced by the war in Ukraine we are offering our platform and service completely free of charge for both, housing providers and people in need of housing.

The housing provider accepts the request

The housing provider will be automatically notified of any new requests and can accept or decline them in their dashboard. There they can also find an overview of all requests.

It's important for housing providers to accept or decline requests as quickly as possible in order to eliminate uncertainties for the people in need of accommodation.

The person in need of housing confirms their interest

Once a housing provider accepts a request, we will automatically notify the person who sent the request and ask them to confirm their interest. We’re doing this to prevent double bookings. If the person in need of housing has sent several requests for different housing spaces they can only confirm their interest for one space.

Before they can confirm their interest, people in need of housing are asked to verify their identity on our platform under My Account.

Exchange of contact information and move-in

Once the person in need has confirmed their interest, we will exchange their contact details with the housing provider so they can get in touch with each other and organise the move-in. Optionally, we’re providing a rental agreement in English and Ukrainian to ensure safety for both sides.

In case of any questions during or after the booking process you can contact our team via this email: support-ukraine@wunderflats.com

Safety at Wunderflats

To ensure safety on our platform, both home providers and people in need of housing will have to verify their identity. We’re offering this service in collaboration with our secure partner Veriff.

Media contact for
press inquiries

Press office Wunderflats
Markgrafenstraße 36
10117 Berlin
